9th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering
From the 27th to the 29th of August 2014, Ubertone has organised, in collaboration with the ICube laboratory, the 9th edition of the International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering.
The main objective of this biennial event is to allow researchers and engineers to present and exchange about the techniques and applications of the velocity profile measurement based on pulsed ultrasonic Doppler (more info on isud-conference.org).
Want to read the proceeding ? Ask us for a free copy.

From the 27th to the 29th of August 2014, Ubertone has organised, in collaboration with the ICube laboratory, the 9th edition of the International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering. You can find the programm here.
The main objective of this biennial event is to allow researchers and engineers to present and exchange about the techniques and applications of the velocity profile measurement based on pulsed ultrasonic Doppler (more info on isud-conference.org).
We would like to thank the school of environmental hydraulics ENGEES that hosted the symposium, this year, in Strasbourg. This reinforces the increasing place of the ultrasonic profile measurement in hydraulics , especially for environmental applications. Thus, it was straight forward to open the symposium by an environmental flow session introduced by the keynote lecture of Dr. David Hurther. In his paper entitled Underwater acoustic scattering and its application to sediment transport physics in coastal and river flows he present his outstanding work on multistatic Doppler profilers for high-resolution flow and sediment transport measurement.
Of course, activities in fundamental flows, historically the first field of application for Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler in Fluid Mechanics, were not in rest. The session were introduced by Dr. Yuji Tasaka from Hokkaido University with a keynote on Extraction of fluid flow information from spatio-temporal UVP data obtained in rotating configurations
Another well represented field was signal processing applied to ultrasonic Doppler measurements. One of the papers presented during this session has been awarded by the scientific committee.
Last but not least, the "applied flow" session was introduced by Prof. Erich Windhab who is a pioneer in the UVP-PD method. More generally, he has largely contributed to the characterization of non-Newtonian fluids and suspensions in food processing industry by the use of velocity profile measurement. His keynote lecture presents the Potential of Ultrasound-Doppler in process flow measurements along the food value chain.
Ubertone is proud of having got the opportunity to organize this symposium, especially because we are actively working in many of the topics presented within ISUD. Ubertone continuously improves the UVP technology and methods in order to help scientists and engineers working with flowing liquids.
Overall, 54 delegates coming from 15 different countries around the world followed 43 oral presentations. Most of those presentations were of a high standard and allowed the share of knowledge and best practice between the auditors who actively interacted with many constructive questions. Thus, we would like to thank all the participants for having joined the 9th ISUD.
All the papers from the conference are available for free download here.

Keynote Lectures
The symposium ISUD-9 covered a wide range of ultrasonic Doppler applications in liquid metal, waste water, sludge, river, food, etc. The main topics of this edition has been introduced by keynote lectures. These three invited talks was given by researchers whose contributions to UVP application are widely acknowledged.
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Prof. Dr. Erich J. Windhab, Institute of Food Science at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland) Potential of Ultrasound-Doppler in process flow measurements along the food value chain |
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Dr. David Hurther, Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels at the CNRS Grenoble (France) |
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Dr. Yuji Tasaka, Laboratory for Flow Control at the Hokkaido University (Japan) |
Conference topics
- Fundamental Flows : Fundamental flow configurations such as jet, wake, mixing layer, boundary layer, natural convection, liquid metal flow, rotating flow etc.
- Applied Flows : Flow configurations appearing in industrial devices and facilities such as pipe flow, rotating disc, flows in containers, transient flow, rheological flow, multiphase flow etc.
- Environmental Flows : Flows in nature and man-made structures such as rivers, lakes, channels, around a bridge, harbor, bay etc.
- Flow Metering : Applications to metering such as flow meter, calibration facilities and metering standards etc.
- Flow Mapping
- Signal Processing and Methodology : New algorithms, new concepts, data display, data analysis etc.
- Acoustic Characterization : Acoustic properties such as sound speed, attenuation characteristics, sound optics in multiphase flow, acoustic turbidity and particle size distribution etc.
- Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Contact us for a free pdf copy of the proceeding or for purchasing the book.
Keynote Lectures
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Prof. Dr. Erich J. Windhab, Institute of Food Science at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland) Potential of Ultrasound-Doppler in process flow measurements along the food value chain |
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Dr. David Hurther, Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels at the CNRS Grenoble (France) |
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Dr. Yuji Tasaka, Laboratory for Flow Control at the Hokkaido University (Japan) |
Contact us for a free pdf copy of the proceeding or for purchasing the book.
Environmental Flow
The investigation of sediment processes in rivers by means of the Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler - Massimo Guerrero, Ricardo N. Szupiany, Francisco Latosinsky, Nils Ruther
Hydraulics and deposit evolution in sewers - Nicolas Hemmerle, Jean-Jacques Randrianarimanana, Claude Joannis, Frédérique Larrarte
Study on Applicability of ADCP for Field-level Hydraulic Observation - Takaharu Kakinuma, Daisuke Tobita, and Satomi Yamaguchi
Feasibility Study on the Monitoring of Internal Flow and Transport Processes in Combined Sewer Overflow and Waste Water Treatment Structures - Kai Klepiszewski, Stefanie Seiffert, Emmanuel Henry, Raymond Erpelding and Serge Fonck
Water Discharge Measurements with ADCP in High Speed Flow with High Sediment Concentration - A. Yorozuya, Y. Motonaga, Y. Iwami, T. Furuyama, and K. Ogiwara
Acoustic turbidity as online monitoring tool for rivers and sewer networks - Anne Pallarès, Stéphane Fischer, Xavier France, Marie-Noëlle Pons, Philippe Schmitt
Field observation of the river flood flow and suspended sediment distribution using ADCP - Masahiro Hashiba, Tatsuya Kai, Atsuhiro Yorozuya and Yoshiki Motonoga
Dynamic analysis of the interaction between unconfined turbidity currents and obstacles - Richard I. Wilson and Heide Friedrich
Velocity distribution in open-channel flow with intense sediment transport of granular material - Bareš V, Zeostlík Š, Picek T, Krupička J, Matoušek V
Location effect on near bed flow structure around a straight spur dike - Mojtaba Mehraein, Seyyed Amin Najibi and Masoud Ghodsian
Comparison between different Instruments for Discharge Measurements in Rivers - Robert Schatzl
A method for using ADCP echo intensity to track particle movements in Lake Biel - Love Råman Vinnå and Damien Bouffard
Depth Averaged Velocity Prediction For Highly Sinuous Meandering Channels - Dash S., Khatua K. K., Pradhan A.
Investigation On Secondary Flow Characteristics For Two Stage Meandering Channels - Khatua K. K., Dash S., Patra K. C.
Contact us for a free pdf copy of the proceeding or for purchasing the book.
Signal Processing
Accuracy evaluation of a crossed beam double element transducer for ultrasound velocity profiler application - Fábio R. Coutinho, César Y. Ofuchi, Lúcia V. R. de Arruda, Flávio Neves Jr, Rigoberto E. M. Morales
Suitable Arrangement of UVP-lines for Tomographic Monitoring of Horizontal Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Pipe Flows - Yuichi Murai, Yuji Tasaka, and Yasushi Takeda
Modular ultrasound array Doppler velocimeter with spatial self-calibration for flow mapping in liquid metals - R. Nauber, N. Thieme, H. Radner, H. Beyer, L. Büttner, K. Dadzis, O. Pätzold, J. Czarske
Noise reduction of UDV measurements in liquid metal experiments with high magnetic fields - Martin Seilmayer, Frank Stefani and Thomas Gundrum
Velocities measurement in highly turbulent and aerated flows - Luis G. Castillo and José M. Carrillo
Performance tests of a new non-invasive sensor unit and ultrasound electronics - Reinhardt Kotzé, Stefano Ricci and Johan Wiklund
Extended Autocorrelation Velocity Estimator Applied to Fluid Engineering - César Yutaka Ofuchi, Fabio Rizental Coutinho, Flávio Neves Jr, Lúcia Valéria R. De Arruda, Rigoberto Eleazar Melgarejo Morales
Improvement in Measurement Volume in Near-wall Region Using Ultrasonic Multi-wave Pulsed Doppler Method for Flowrate Measurement - Ei Muramatsu, Hideki Murakawa, Katsumi Sugimoto, Nobuyuki Takenaka,Noriyuki Furuichi
Higher Flowrate Measurement using Ultrasonic Pulsed Doppler Method with Staggered Trigger - Hideki Murakawa, Akira Oue, Ei Muramatsu, Katsumi Sugimoto, Nobuyuki Takenaka and Noriyuki Furuichi
Study of Flow Measurement by Air-coupled Ultrasound - Keisuke Tsukada, Nobuyoshi Tsuzuki and Hiroshige Kikura
Contact us for a free pdf copy of the proceeding or for purchasing the book.
Applied Flow
Experimental study of activated sludge batch settling velocity profile - Pierre François, Florent Locatelli, Julien Laurent and Karim Bekkour
Ultrasound detection of wall-travelling bubbles for diagnosis of drag reduction - Hyun Jin Park, Hirohide Kayukawa, Yoshihiko Oishi, Yuji Tasaka and Yuichi Murai
An influence of obstacle plate for uncertainty of flowrate measurement using ultrasonic Doppler method - Noriyuki Furuichi
Flow field UVP measurements of a Y-shape outlet structure - Alexandre J. Pachoud and Giovanni De Cesare
Electric current pulse driven liquid metal flow studied by the multidimensional Ultrasound Doppler array technique - Sven Franke, Dirk Räbiger, Yunhu Zhang and Sven Eckert
Viscoelastic response of flow driven by a moving permeable disk - Takahiro Nakashima, Takahisa Shiratori, Yoshihiko Oishi, Yuji Tasaka, Yuichi Murai, Yasushi Takeda, Erich J. Windhab
Experimental studies of convection flow during the fermentation process of beer by means of Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry - Heiko Meironke
In-line monitoring of chocolate crystallization by UVP-PD technique - Damien Dufour, Erich J. Windhab, Yasushi Takeda, Shaik A. K. Jeelani
Channel flow profile measurements at hot liquid metal loops by the Ultrasound Doppler method - Sven Franke, Sven Eckert, Thomas Gundrum and Gunter Gerbeth
Ultrasonic Characterization of Silt Suspensions by Backscattering - Peter Fleckenstein, Fabian Deschwanden, Giuseppe Storti, Marco Lattuada, Peter Gruber
Liquid Metal Ultrasound Velocimetry in a High Current Environment - Marco Starace, Norbert Weber, Martin Seilmayer, Tom Weier, Frank Stefani and Sven Eckert
Flow-Viz™ – A fully integrated and commercial in-line fluid characterization system for industrial applications - Johan Wiklund, Reinhardt Kotzé, Beat Birkhofer, Stefano Ricci, Valentino Meacci, Rainer Haldenwang and Mats Stading
Flow monitoring in molten glass by means of ultrasonic Doppler method - Tomonori Ihara, Nobuyoshi Tsuzuki and Hiroshige Kikura
Contact us for a free pdf copy of the proceeding or for purchasing the book.
Fundamental Flow
Experimental investigations of a magnetically driven Tornado-like vortex by means of Ultrasound-Doppler Velocimetry - Tobias Vogt, Ilmars Grants, Sven Eckert and Gunter Gerbeth
Free Jets driven by a plane ultrasound transducer in liquids: experimental and theoretical investigation of acoustic streaming - V. Botton, B. Moudjed, D. Henry, H. Ben Hadid and A. Potherat
Onset of oscillatory instability in Rayleigh-Bénard convection of a liquid metal layer under a horizontal magnetic field - Yudai Yamaguchi, Kazuto Igaki, Yuji Tasaka, Sven Eckert, Tobias Vogt and Takatoshi Yanagisawa
Measurement of Turbulent Fluctuations in Pipe Flow by Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimeter - Volkan Köseli
Mapping of radial velocity component in Taylor Couette flow with Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry (UVP) - L. Pokorny, Y. Takeda and E.J. Windhab
Model-free rheometry based on unsteady velocity profile analysis - Takahisa Shiratori, Yoshihiko Oishi, Yuji Tasaka, Yuichi Murai and Yasushi Takeda
Regime diagram of thermal convection in liquid metal with horizontal magnetic field - Takatoshi Yanagisawa, Yozo Hamano, Takehiro Miyagoshi, Yasuko Yamagishi, Ataru Sakuraba, Yuji Tasaka, Kazuto Igaki, and Yasushi Takeda
Organizing committee:
- Stéphane Fischer
- Anne Pallarès
- Robert Mosé
- José Vazquez
- Damien Dufour
- Fabrice Lawniczak
Scientific Committee:
- V. Bareš, Department of Sanitary and Ecological Engineering, CTU Prague, Czech Republic
- B. Birkhofer, Sika Services AG, Switzerland
- G. De Cesare, Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions (LCH), Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralede Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
- S. Eckert, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany
- S. Fischer, Ubertone, Strasbourg, France
- H. Kikura, Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ohokayama, Japan
- M. Mori,Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
- C. Rennie, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Y. Takeda,Emeritus of Hokkaido University,Food Process Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Switzerland
- Y. Tasaka, Division of Energy & Environmental Systems, School of Engineering, HokkaidoUniversity, Sapporo, Japan
- J. Wiklund, SIK Gothenburg, Sweden
- J. Windhab, Chair, Food Process Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Switzerland
The last event of the symposium was the visit of the fluid mechanics laboratory of ICube.
IMFS (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides) is a department of the Icube Laboratory. Created in 2013, ICube brings together researchers of the University of Strasbourg, the CNRS, the ENGEES and the INSA of Strasbourg in the fields of engineering, computer and medical science with imaging as unifying theme. The Fluid Mechanics research team is divided in three project groups : « Urban Hydraulics », «Two Phase Instability and Turbulence » and « Sewage Treatment and Rheology ».
The participants could discover different experimental setups with detailed explanation from the researchers of the laboratory.
The ISUD is also an opportunity to promote the work of young researchers. During the symposium, the Scientific Committee has evaluated the papers and the oral presentations of the registered students.
The ISUD-9 Student Paper Award winner is Cesar Ofuchi, from the Federal University of Technology Paraná (UTFPR, Brazil), for his remarkable paper "Extended Autocorrelation Velocity Estimator Applied to Fluid Engineering". This work present an extended autocorrelation method (EAM) which combines both autocorrelation and cross-correlation estimators applied to fluid engineering. This method allow to estimate velocities beyond the Nyquist limit with an efficient computational cost.

To remember their stay in Strasbourg for the 9th ISUD, the delegates were invited for a photo of the group that was taken in front of the « Palais Universitaire de Strasbourg ». Classified as a historic monument, the building was used during several decades as the centre of the new imperial University of Strasbourg. It is a large, neo-Renaissance style building, inaugurated in 1884 by Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany.

During the closing session, Prof. Windhab has announced that the next ISUD conference will take place in Tokyo in 2016 and will be organized by TITech, the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
For more information about ISUD, visit ISUD-conference website.

Fine Food and Delicatessen
Between each session the delegates could enjoy delicious dishes prepared by a french chef and his team. The food was mainly local and organic.
A real treat for the taste buds ... and for the eyes !
Of course in the country of cheese, a well filled platter ! It was an opportunity for many to discover and rediscover the diversity of French cheeses.
Gala Diner
The « Maison Kammerzell », which dates back to 1427, is a veritable symbol of Strasbourg. Not only the architecture is remarkable, but also the cooking : the prestige of the past is married with a continued, yet reinvented, tradition of gastronomy. This was the perfect place for the gala diner with a good meal shared in easy-going atmosphere. A Jazz Duo lived things up during the foie gras aperitif. Then the participants enjoyed a fish choucroute for the dinner.
Fine Food and Delicatessen
The traditional boat trip was not missed during the symposium. Strasbourg, which 2000 years history has taken it from being a prosperous merchant city to its current position as capital of the peoples of Europe, from a centre for humanist thinking to a thriving hub of creators and entrepreneurs. The delegates were invited to embark on a 70 minutes discovery tour through Strasbourg, seen as an historical city and home to the European Parliament.