Ubertone Student Award - ISUD 2021

First of all, we want to thank all participants for their presentations. It was really interesting to discover all the projects. Since 2012, Ubertone has been committed to promoting innovative research by students and PhD candidates through the Ubertone Student Award delivered at each ISUD edition (International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering).

We think that it is very important to highlight the determination and investigation of students, especially in this period.

As Ubertone designs and manufactures ultrasonic measurement devices, we really want to show our support and appreciation to such innovative work. And especially for the project that got the attention of the scientific committee : Yield stress determination in thixotropic crystal-melt suspensions by MISHRA Kim, who did his work with Ubertone’s UB-Lab X2 at ETH Zürich.

His presentation showed his ambition and motivation.

We are happy to award Mr Mishra the Ubertone student award with the attached price. We have also decided to loan him our new device "UB-Lab P" for 3 months to give him our support in his projects.

We would also like to congratulate the two other awarded students :

  • NISA Sardini, for her work on The Development of Sonoluminescence Elemental Analysis, Case Study: Na and Sr in Aqueous Solution.
  • GROB Lucas, for his work on Investigation and comparison of fluid dynamics in a hydrocyclone using ultra sonic doppler.

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