
An ADV profiler used for educational purpose

The ENSE3 school in Grenoble uses a UB-Lab 3C for graduate students ... read more


Acoustic profilers for SSC monitoring in the field presented at RiverFlow 2024

We presented our latest measurement campaigns and results on acoustic inversion with the UB-SediFlow ... read more


International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts in Quebec City, Canada

The 8th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts took place in Québec City, from August 27 to 29, 2024. We were very happy to welcome you at our booth with a demonstration flume lent by ETS, Montreal. We had very interesting discussions about current instrumentation challenges and new applications for acoustic profilers.

We would like to thank the organisation committee for this very nice event in this beautiful city blessed by sunny weather.

and get two newsletters per year !


Study of Leonardo da Vinci's water flows drawings

Using a UB-Lab X2 UVP for intrusive and non-intrusive measurements in a basin with impigning jet ... read more


W.A.T.E.R. 2024 - a workshop edition in Strasbourg, Alsace, France

The department of mechanics of the laboratory ICube, Strasbourg, in collaboration with Ubertone and ENGEES, welcomed the 7th edition of the W.A.T.E.R. (Workshop on Advanced measurement Techniques and Experimental Research) Summer school in July ... read more


Meet us at River Flow 2024 in Liverpool, UK

We will be very happy to discuss with you at our stand at the 12th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, which will take place in Liverpool, from September 2nd to 6th, 2024.


3rd edition of our Workshop on Ultrasonic Doppler - under scottish colors

Another successful adventure with this year’s edition in Aberdeen, attached to the ISEH conference, offering a practical session option before the conference ... read more


Scottish event on Eco-Hydraulics!

We were pleased to participate in and sponsor this very nicely organised conference, gathering experts and students from all over the world in formal and informal occasions, discussing and networking ... read more


New Ubertone cloud tool release

We are proud to present a new release of our cloud platform for data visualisation and processing: faster data visualisation and extraction, more ergonomic, easier sharing ... read more


Our koeran distributor C&H presented our solutions at KWRA water resources conference

The Korean Water Resources Association (KWRA) organised the 2024 edition of their conference from May 9-10 in Jeju Island, South Korea. C&H presented all the measurement techniques they offer at their booth and were happy to meet and discuss with the user community!


Learn about the UVP measurement method at MTLM

The 4th International Workshop on Measuring Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows will take place from May 27 - 29 in Dresden, Germany. A poster explaining the measurement principle of the UVP by Ubertone will be displayed for the coffee breaks as well as a video of application examples.


Excellent conference organisation in Delft: Coastlab2024

It was a pleasure participating in the 9th Conference on Physical Modelling in Coastal Engineering in ideal conditions to meet and discuss with the coastal engineering community about instrumentation needs and solutions ... read more


ANR-WEST workshop was a successful event, equilibrated between presentations, lab and field demonstrations

Laboratory and field measurements demonstrated at the ANR-WEST workshop in Brest, France, with versatile and portable solutions for researchers in coastal dynamics ... read more


Investigation of a fish-farming tank - Hydrodynamics and health

A UB-Lab P used as a high-resolution ADCP to optimise fish farming tank conditions ... read more


Pumping system efficiency study in Italy - Results

We present results from the first pumping system efficiency study using a UB-Lab P ... read more


Turbulence test bench by Ubertone

We designed and manufactured a turbulence test bench with vertically oscillating grids for the LISIC laboratory of the Ecole d'Ingénieurs du Littoral Côte d'Opale (EILCO-ULCO).


A Peacock UVP sent in deep sea, at 1300m!

At ISUD2023, the Power and Energy Lab of TUMSAT (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology) presented measurements from their deployment of a Peacock UVP from Ubertone to study hydrothermal jets ... read more


Happy New Year 2024!

The whole team wishes you a happy, healthy and flourishing new year, and all the best for your ongoing and coming projects!


Check for available updates or upgrades for your profiler

Ubertone’s team continuously develops on existing and new hardware, firmware and software ... read more



No more cookies - Let’s make Christmas Bredle!

Our website does not use any cookies. Only anonymous connection data is used for statistics.

Bredle : [noun, masculin, countable] \’bre’dlœ\ Alsatian Christmas cookie. Examples: Butterbredle, Spritzbredle, Anisbredle, Kokosmacrone, Spitzbuwe, Läckerli, etc.


The UB-Lab starter kit, an affordable UVP available now !

To get started with the UVP technology, demonstrate the measurement principle to your students, get acquainted with ultrasonic Doppler profilers: ask for our UB-Lab starter kit ... read more


Ubertone instruments papers list

A paper list is now available, which we will try to keep updated. It gathers main journal and conference papers presenting research done using Ubertone instruments. Dear users, feel free to suggest your own papers using Ubertone instruments by contacting us. ... read more


Discover our new UB-Lab 3C with a third component for your turbulence studies

The UB-Lab 2C was upgraded both in hardware and software to get a third component, a more user friendly interface and remove block size limitation at maximal sampling frequency ... read more


Morphology and dynamics of subaqueous dunes generated under unidirectional flow

A study on morphology and dynamics of subaqueous dunes done with a UB-Lab 2C (ADVP, bistatic) was presented at the Conference MARID AND RIVER DUNES VII ... read more


I can make a UB-SediFlow out of my UB-Lab

From your UB-Lab P or S4, with several transducers, you can actually get a lab ABS, like a UB-SediFlow ... read more


Ubertone Student Paper Award 2023

As for every ISUD edition, the Ubertone Student Award was a nice motivation for students to present their work in this field. ... discover the winners


The gathering for ultrasonic Doppler methods users and developers in 2023

The 14th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering (ISUD 2023) took place in Kobe, Japan from the 23rd-25th of October ... read more


Looking for an alternative to your ADV?

How about using an acoustic profiler instead, and getting a full velocity profile at once?

It also allows measuring through plastic walls eliminating any flow disturbance.

Ask for more information or an online meeting to discuss your setup and needs! Contact us!


How to coil my transducer cables?

It is necessary to take good care of your cables. The transducer cables are especially important to take care of, as they are linked to the transducer head and need to maintain their waterproofness, shielding and link to the piezo (of course). ... read more


It was nice meeting you at ISRS 2023 in Florence

The 15th International Symposium on River Sedimentation 2023 brought together professionals from around the world to discover, exchange and learn more about Sustainable Sediment Management in a changing Environment ... read more


Register now to the 3rd Workshop on Ultrasonic Doppler

Learn more about at a Workshop on Ultrasonic Doppler for Hydraulics in laboratory flumes during the ISEH 2024 symposium in Aberdeen in June 2024 ... read more


Steady organisation in turbulent weather at ETC18in Valencia, Spain

During this 18th edition of ETC, we presented recent developments in terms of instantaneous 3C velocity profilers ... read more


Real time instability of flow close to a scour affected abutment

ANR SSHEAR-project results of the field measurements with the UB-Flow installation powered by solar panels for scouring process monitoring presented in a paper by Christophe Chevalier and Frédérique Larrarte ... read more


A very successful W.A.T.E.R. summer school in the middle of the forest

The 7th W.A.T.E.R. Summer School took place in TUMünchen’s Obernach facility in Upper Bavaria, in the middle of the forest, allowing both indoor and outdoor measurements ... read more


Pumping system efficiency study in Italy

We designed new DN125 transducers holders for the efficiency study of the pumping system ... read more


Colloque sur les Apports des nouvelles technologies à l’étude du transport sédimentaire et de la morphodynamique 2023

Nous étions ravis de vous rencontrer à notre stand à ce colloque à Grenoble du 1 au 2 juin 2023, et de discuter de vos applications et des méthodes de mesure acoustiques. Nous avons également présenté des résultats sur la "Surveillance des sédiments en suspension en rivière avec un profileur acoustique hyperbande, exemple sur le rhône et l'isère en france" réalisés en collaboration avec la Compagnie Nationale du Rhône. ... read more


Discover our new versatile four channels UVP - the UB-Lab S4

The UB-Lab UVP family welcomes a new member, the UB-Lab S4 with a compact enclosure and four channels to control four transducers with fast switching during a recording ... read more


ISH 2023 - A very dynamic and exchangeful conference

The ISH (International School for Hydraulics), presenting a very interesting format to encourage exchanges and discussions between participants, took place from 22-26th of May 2023 ... read more


Practical training on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Hydraulics and Fluid Engineering in Gdansk, Poland

Hosted by the Institute of Hydro-Engineering (PAS) in Gdansk during the International School for Hydraulics, this second edition of the WUD workshop proposed very practical exercises to learn how to install, set up and post-process data of the UB-Lab P ... read more


Field measurements of sediment dynamics under waves presented at Coastal Sediments 2023

Noémie Fritsch, from LGO-IUEM (Brest, France), presented "Sediment dynamics under real waves", showing results of field ADVP (Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profiler) measurements of turbulence and sediment flux with the UB-Lab 3C prototype, at the conference Coastal Sediments, held in April 2023 in New Orleans, US.


EGU23 in Vienna in April gathered more than 15000 participants

The EGU General Assembly 2023 brought together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Users of our UB-Lab 2C and of our UB-SediFlow presented very interesting results ... read more


Online webinar on Acoustic monitoring of suspended solids in natural and engineered systems

This Co-UDLabs Webinar, organised by EAWAG took place online on the 16th of May 2023 13:00 – 16:35 CEST. Stéphane FISCHER presented acoustic backscattering measurement theory and applications. ... read more


Tutorial for the very easy to use UB-Lab P

In this video, you can learn how to do a very quick measurement with the very easy to use UB-Lab P, the world's first handheld UVP (Ultrasonic Velocity Profiling) ... watch more tutorials


Ubertone is on Twitter!

We are happy to announce that we are boosting our activity on Twitter! We will regularly share with you our news and innovative developments.

Do not hesitate to subscribe to our Twitter page to keep informed.


Discover our new transducers for higher temperature environments

We are pleased to announce the release of new 3MHz transducers working at temperatures up to 110°C ... contact us for more information


Ubertone Student Paper Award - ISUD 2023

Since 2012, Ubertone has been committed to promoting innovative research by students and PhD candidates through the Ubertone Student Award delivered at each ISUD edition. Do not miss this ISUD2023 edition’s opportunity!


What about uncertainties with our UVP?

The FAQ page welcomes an answer for the question of velocity accuracy and resolution for UVP instruments ... read more


L’UB-Flow AV présenté par Ijinus au CGLE 2023

Le Carrefour des Gestions Locales de l'Eau 2023, du 25 au 26 janvier 2023, était le rendez-vous annuel incontournable des acteurs de l'eau, au parc des expositions de Rennes, France. Notre distributeur Ijinus y a présenté l’UB-Flow AV et son dernier accessoire pour la mesure combinée de vitesse et de hauteur d’eau dans les réseaux d’assainissement.


A ResearchGate project for the ADVP and UB-Lab 2C users community

A ResearchGate project page is available to gather research, conference papers, good practices examples, etc. on the use of the ADVP (Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profiler) measurement method and the UB-Lab 2C. This page was created following the webinar on this subject.


Our first webinar to gather the ADVP and UB-Lab 2C/3C users community was a success

For this first webinar, we chose the subject "ADVP measurement method and UB-Lab 2C" and invited all the UB-Lab 2C users and experts on the use of the ADVProfilers to discuss about ... read more


Happy new year

The whole team wishes you a happy, healthy and flourishing new year, and all the best for your ongoing and coming projects!



Acoustic instruments presented at the "Journées de l'Hydrodynamique" in Poitiers

Since 1987, every two years, the Journées de l’Hydrodynamique (JH, Hydrodynamics Days) gather researchers and engineers, mainly french-speaking, in marine hydrodynamics in the civil and military domains to present and discuss the most recent research works. This 18th edition took place on the Futuroscope campus of Poitiers from the 22nd to the 24th of November 2022, hosted by the Pprime institute. We would like to thank the organisation committee of this conference for the very nice welcoming. This event was a very nice opportunity to discover potential new applications for which ultrasound instrumentation can bring new and valuable information.


Outflow control of a Francis turbine by UVP measurement

The UB-Lab X2 allowed the visualisation of the velocity field around the torch in the Francis turbine ... read more


New scatterers reference available

Discover the new PA particles we propose of mean grain size 60µm for your acoustic scatterers seeding ... read more


A prototype of three-component velocity profiler deployed on a beach

A three-components ADVP was developed and deployed on a beach in Brittany, France, for sediment transport study ... read more


ADVP method presented at PGC22 in Aberdeen

The UB-Lab 2C and ADVP (Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profile) measurement method has been presented at the Particulate Gravity Currents in the Environment 2022 conference in September 2022 ... read more


Follow Ubertone’s scientific activity on ResearchGate

Marie, Ubertone’s CEO and R&D engineer, and Stéphane, Ubertone’s founder and R&D director, are on ResearchGate, where you can read several papers published at conferences and in international journals. Click here to discover their profiles: Marie Burckbuchler and Stéphane Fischer and follow them to stay informed.


Three components velocity profiler prototype for the field - presented at EFMC14

We were pleased to meet you and discuss at the EFMC14 in Athens, Greece, where we presented some of our most recent developments ... read more


IAHR Europe 2022 - The release of our new ABS, the UB-SediFlow instrument

We were pleased to meet you and discuss at the IAHR Europe Congress from the 7th to the 9th of September in Athens, Greece, where we presented our newest instrument ... read more


Open-source libraries and APIs available on GitHub

We made some libraries and APIs available on GitHub for you, to make the use of our instruments and their data always more adapted to the user and its application.


Have a look at the new UB-SediFlow - the hyperband acoustic profiler

Concentration monitoring, grain size estimation, mud level detection… Discover the new ABS designed to perform multi-frequency backscattered echo amplitude profile measurements in field applications ... read more


Intense practical W.A.T.E.R. workshop 2022 held in Lisbon

This year’s edition of the International Summer School on Hydraulics Measurement Techniques took place in Lisbon, Portugal, for a week of July 2022 ... read more


Presentation of our latest miniaturization development at IAHR World 2022

We were be pleased to meet you and discuss at the IAHR World Congress from the 19th to the 24th of June in Granada, Spain, around our demo flume ... read more


Practical training on UVP and ADVP for hydraulic laboratory flumes in Karlsruhe, Germany

Hosted by the Hochschule Karlsruhe, we proposed very practical exercises to learn how to install, set up and post-process ... read more


THESIS 2022 - An event rich in exchanging

It was a pleasure to meet you and discuss at THESIS 2022 in Les Houches School of Physics, France, about our latest work on multi-bistatic measurement techniques ... read more


Study of boundary layer of a plane plate - Laminar-turbulent transition

Following the award of the Call for Projects - UVP Springboard won by Antoine Dode, here are the results he obtained with the UB-Lab P for his study about the "Boundary layer turbulent transition in unsteady flow with application to rowing" ... read more


A magical solution to inject acoustic scatterers?

Not enough signal in your setup? What if there were a magical and ecological solution to inject seedings in your setup? ... coming soon


Call for Projects - UVP Springboard: Outcomes of the boundary layer study at LadHyx, France

It was with pleasure to visit Antoine Dode and discuss his experience following his participation in the Call for Projects - UVP Springboard. His project, selected by our team, was about the "Boundary layer turbulent transition in unsteady flow with application to rowing". ... watch the interview


Preliminary laboratory studies on microplastics’ mobilisation in open-channel flows

Arianna Varrani presented her work on microplastics transport with the UB-Lab P at the IAHR Young Professionals Congress 2021 ... read more


Suspended sediment monitoring instruments - a laboratory comparison campaign

Comparison campaign for suspension monitoring between a various instruments in the DEXMES laboratory tank facility, including the UB-SediFlow ... read more


Measurement campaign with a new multi-bistatic transducers head for turbulence studies

A one-week measurement campaign at the LEGI laboratory in Grenoble, France, took place in March, to test our new transducers head for multi-bistatic measurements ... read more


UBERTONE is growing up!

We moved to a bigger office, 8A, rue principale, 67300 Schiltigheim, less than 1km away from our last address. Currently still unboxing, we will soon be able to welcome you.


How to measure a velocity profile with a UVP ? - Definition of the measurement parameters

Thanks to this video, you will understand the parameters for velocity measurements ... watch more


An upgraded Peacock UVP with its driver - for easy OEM integration

Faster communication, faster measurements, new features: discover what is new for our OEM acoustic profiler ... read more


Ubertone wishes you the best for 2022!

2022 is here! The Ubertone team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting us in our growth and development. We wish you success in all your endeavours and look forward to assisting you in achieving your professional goals for 2022. And finally, we wish you happiness, prosperity and health in the New Year.



Investigation of the dispersing characteristics of antral contraction wave flow in a simplified model of the distal stomach

D. Dufour, F. X. Tanner, K. A. Feigl, and E. J. Windhab; Physics of Fluids 33, 083101 (2021).

Simulations were validated with UB-Lab X2 velocity measurements in a physical model of an antrum. The characteristics of the retropulsive jet were quantified at different Reynolds numbers ... read more


What does the acoustic beam look like? How does it impact the measuring cell's geometry ?

Thanks to this video, you will understand how to define a model of your transducer's beam and estimate your profiles cell sizes ... watch more


Deployment of a hyperband acoustic profiler for a sediment monitoring campaign

During the sediment managing operations APAVER of May 2021, the UB-SediFlow was used for sediment monitoring on the Rhône river, France ... read more


Ubertone Student Award - ISUD 2021

For this 13th ISUD edition, 13 students participated in this competition by presenting their work. Each member of the scientific committee graded the students’ papers and presentations. The 2021 awarded student is ... read more


Ubertone is on LinkedIn!

We are happy to announce that we are boosting our activity on Linkedin! We will regularly share with you our news and innovative developments.

Do not hesitate to subscribe to our Linkedin page to keep informed.


Debate on current and future challenges of experimental methods and instrumentation

On July 7th took place an online debate on current and future challenges of experimental methods and instrumentation, organized by the EMI (Experimental Methods and Instrumentation) Committee of IAHR, inviting four guest speakers: Prof. Anna Wahlin (University of Gothenburg), Dr. Daniel Valero Huerta (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education), Prof. Dr. Marian Muste (IIHR - Hydroscience & Engineering, The University of Iowa) and Dr. Stéphane Fischer (UBERTONE).


New products launched at ISUD 13 in Zürich, Switzerland

The 13th edition of ISUD - International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering - has been held in hybrid format at ETH Zürich - from the 13th to the 15th of June 2021. ... read more


Team strength at Ubertone

Nature, sharing, smiles and laughter ... read more


Results - UVP Innovation Springboard

Ubertone organized a call for projects in February 2021. And the winners are ... read more


Webinar on "Experimental Methods and Laboratory Instrumentations in Hydraulics"

Organized by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the IAHR, this webinar took place from April 13th to 15th, 2021.

Ubertone presented a Practitioner's Overview about our developments "Towards handheld instrumentation" with an application example of the UB-Lab P on a physical model of a river.


Technical issue on our cloud - Cloud available again!

Due to a fire in our data center, our data analysis and visualization service was temporarily unavailable.

Our server is now available again and you can access your account again on cloud.ubertone.eu.

Thank you for your patience, and sorry for the inconvenience.


We Call for Projects! - UVP Innovation Springboard

A call for projects to win the loan of a UB-Lab P to boost your project ... read more


A laboratory investigation of bedload monitoring with the UB-Lab 2C and the UB-Lab X8

The work at NTNU and at Bologna University allowed a comparison between acoustic measurement configurations ... read more


Acoustic measurement on industrial liquids pipe flows

A few measurement examples of different opaque and viscous industrial liquids ... read more